ESP: Electronic Submission Processor

The following sections present brief "How To" guides for students using ESP. Additional instructions and help notes are available within specific features of ESP. There may be some differences in specific details of this document and current features of ESP.

Log In

Quick Steps:

  1. Use a web browser and go to Remember to include the “s” and NO “www”.
  2. Enter your SIMS Username and Password.
  3. Click “Login”.


ESP Login Form

ESP Login Form

Students log into ESP using their SIMS (Swinburne Identity Management System) account details. Your SIMS username is your seven digit student ID. Your SIMS password is the password you use for My.Swinburne. Details about SIMS are available via IT pages such as

If you are unable to log in to ESP you will receive the message ‘Invalid attempt recorded – please try again’. If you get this message you can contact the IT service desk on 9214 5000 or

If none of your subjects are using ESP then you may not be able to log in to ESP and will receive the message ‘You do not have an ESP account’. This message means you are using the correct username and password but do not have access to any ESP subjects at the moment.


  • Be sure your Username and Password are typed correctly. (Check that “caps lock” is not on.)
  • Make sure you have a valid and working SIMS account. If not, you need to contact the IT service desk.
  • Cookies must be enabled.
  • New SIMS accounts may need some time (usually <24 hours) before ESP knows about them.

Selecting Your Subject

ESP home page showing Subject Selector

ESP home page showing Subject Selector

Once you have logged in to ESP you should select the “Current Subject” you want from the select menu on the top left hand side of the page (under the banner area). Most menu items apply to your current subject. ESP will only list subjects that are actually using ESP for collecting assessment work.

Note: If one of your current subjects does not appear in the list of subjects, it does NOT mean there is a problem with your enrollment. It simply means that the convener of the subject has decide not to use ESP.

Submit Assessment Work

Quick Steps

  1. Log in to ESP
  2. Select your Current Subject
  3. Click on “Submit Assessment” and view the current available assessments
  4. Click on “Submit” for one of the available assessment
  5. Complete the 2 step submission process
    • Step 1: Upload your file or files (using the “Browse” and “Submit” buttons)
    • Step 2: Complete the Submission by confirming the subject code, SIMS details and agreement details.
  6. View the submission accepted page.
    • You can optionally download a pdf receipt page for your own records.


Select Assessment

Select Assessment

Submit Assessment Instructions

Submit Assessment Instructions

After logging in to ESP and selecting the Current Subject (from the select menu), you will be able to submit work by using the Submit Assessment menu item (on the left of the page). You will be shown a table that list the current Assessments (for the Current Subject). If an assessment is open to accept uploaded work, the “Submit” link will be showing as an available “Action”.

The submission process is divided in to two steps.

  1. is the uploading of a file or files. You are able, during this stage to see what files you have uploaded, and remove and replace files if you wish. Once you are happy that you have uploaded the files you need you can then move on to the next step.
  2. is essentially a formal “Confirmation and Declaration” stage where you again confirm the subject code your work is for, your identity (with your SIMS details), and declare with a “checkbox” that you agree to the submission statement that you are submitting your own work.
Submit Step 1: File upload

Submit Step 1: File upload

Submit Step 1: View upload file details

Submit Step 1: View upload file details

Submit Step 2: Confirmation

Submit Step 2: Confirmation

Submit Step 2: Declaration

Submit Step 2: Declaration

You should be aware of Swinburne policy regarding plagiarism

Once you have completed both submission steps you will see a Submission Result screen, which shows details of your submission, as well as a link to a reciept document in pdf form which you can download and keep for your own reference. You are able to view this receipt at a later stage by using the “Check Marks” menu item.

Submit Result

Submit Result

PDF submission receipt example

PDF submission receipt example


  • It is very important that you select both the correct Subject and Assessment!
  • You can not submit work if the subject convener has not yet opened an assessment, or has subsequently closed the assessment. You might need to contact you

How To Join A Team

  • Click “Join Team” and follow the prompt

How to Check Your Marks

ESP can give you your results via two methods (once they are released by the Convener):

  1. ESP: Use the “Check Marks” menu item. All results for the current subject will be shown if available.
  2. Email: When results have been released by the subject convener, they will typically be emailed to you, along with details of the marking. ESP will only email to your official Swinburne email account.


  • Emails are sent to your official student email account, so make sure you either check your Swinburne Student email regularly, or have student email forwarded to a valid email account (that is NOT full!).

Other Options

Students can also use the menu to :

  • “Logout” of the ESP system.

Note that ESP will log you out automatically after a period of inactivity.